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Translations of the 'HAPPY-song' below the video on this page.
Who can help us translate into more languages? Please, contact us. Would be wonderful. Thanks! 

UK Peace Pilgrim - Steps toward inner Peace

NL Peace Pilgrim - Stappen naar innerlijke Vrede

Booklet Steps toward inner Peace in many languages free downloadable here.

Speaking choir with body percussion at the end of the lecture.     VIDEOs of the HAPPY-song: below.
Хор розмовних слів з фізичною перкусією в кінці лекції.
Spreekkoor met bodypercussie aan het eind van de lezing.

Free download the lecture: THE POWER OF MUSIC


Music is the universal language; Music opens hearts; Music makes us kinder and wiser.
Bring more music into your life, and play your part in the Orchestra of Life.
At invitation Musical Coddle (NL: Klank Streling) will give an online music session for the worldwide Ukrainian Youth, during Ed(ucational) Camp 2023, Feb 25.
The video (below) has been created for this event, but can be used for everyone in any language, all over the world.

Sing along with this song in NL, EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, UKR, and more languages.
Or even sing on 'la la la la la' (the universal language ☺).
And/ or play along on harp (c4-c6), ukulele, zither etc... Score and chords in video.
Of course you also give yourself pats on the back and pats on your legs, arms, stomach, back, and a pat over the head... And dance along.
First the tune gets explained, then comes the song with harp accompaniment at 0:37.
Note: the chords alternate fast, so a bit of a challenge perhaps. ♪ Good luck and lots of fun with it.


free download booklet: Steps toward inner peace
Every little | cell_  in my | body is_ | hap - py.
Every little | cell_  in my | body is_ | well.
Buch kostenlos herunterladen: Schritte zum inneren Frieden
Jede kleine | Zell' in   meinem | Kör - per | freut_ sich.
Jede kleine | Zell' in   meinem | Körper geht's_ | gut.
🇫🇷  🇧🇪
livre à télécharger gratuitement : Étapes vers la paix intérieure
Chaq(ue) pe - tit(e) cel- | -lul(e)_  de mon | corps est heu- | -reu - se.
Chaq(ue) pe - tit(e) cel- | -lul(e)_  de mon | corps_  va_ | bien.
scarica gratis il libro: Passi verso la pace interiore
not checked yet
Ogni cellu- | -la_  del mio | corpo.è fe - | - li - ce.
Ogni cellu- | -la_  del mio | corpo sta_ | bene.
descarga gratuita del libro: Pasos hacia la paz interior
not checked yet
Cada célu- | -la_  de mi | cuerpo.es - tá fe- | - li - iz.
Cada célu- | -la_  de mi | cuerpo.es - tá_ | bien.
🇳🇱  🇧🇪 
gratis download boekje: Stappen naar innerlijke vrede
Elke kleine | cel_  in mijn | lichaam is_ | vro - lijk.
Elke kleine | cel_  in mijn | lichaam is_ | heel.

not checked yet
Elke lytse | sel_  yn myn | lichem  is_ | blii  -  iid.
Elke lytse | sel_  yn myn | lichem  is_ | hiel.
not checked yet
Elke klein_   | sel_   in my | liggaam is ge- | -luk  -  kig.
Elke klein_   | sel_   in my | liggaam is_   | heel.
Безкоштовно завантажити буклет:Кроки до внутрішнього спокою
transliteration ( i/y ~ be, v = w, o ~ for, y ~you, sh = shah, ch ~ chacha)
Kozhna klityn- | -ka_ moho | tila shchas - | -ly - va.
Kozhna klityn- | -ka_ moho | tila tsi - | -la.
Кожна клітин- | -ка_ мого | тіла щас - | -ли - ва.
Кожна клітин- | -ка_ мого | тіла ці - | -ла.
Книга для бесплатного скачивания: Шаги к внутреннему
transliteration (o ~ for, y ~you, e ~ met, ch ~ chacha, sch = s + ch)  
Vse_   kletki | moye - go_   | tela  schast -   | -li  -  vy. ( vy ~ we)
Vse_   kletki | moye - go_   | tela  tse  -   | -ly.  (ly ~ lee)
Все_   клетки | мое - го_   | тела  счаст -   | -ли  -  вы.
Все_   клетки | мое - го_   | тела  це  -   | -лы.
Sva - ka ma - la | sta - ni - ca_ | u_  mom_  | tije - - lu_ _, |
Sva - ka ma - la | sta - ni - ca_ | je    sre - | tna _ _ _ _ _ . |
Sva - ka ma - la | sta - ni - ca_ | u_  mom_  | tije - - lu_ _, |
Sva - ka ma - la | sta - ni - ca_ | je    zdra - | va _ _ _ _ _ . |

🇮🇷  🇺🇿  🇦🇫  🇹🇯 
جزوه دانلود رایگان خطوات السلام الداخلي
(a ~ la, c ~ cell, è ~ met, u ~ put, a* ~  'a'/ fur, sh ~ shah, kh = rasping g)
Har cè - lulè | ku - chik_  | bada* - nam_ | shaa-dè.
Har cè - lulè | ku - chik_  | bada* - nam_ | khub.      create audio

.هر سلول کوچیک بدنم شاده
.هر سلول کوچیک بدنم خوب

🇹🇯  🇦🇫  🇺🇿
(ç ~ tsh, j ~ joy, ş ~ shah, u ~ put, ʙ ~ b, x = rasping g)
Har_   jak_  | huçaj - rai_     | xurdi tanam | xuş - ʙaxt.
Har_   jak_  | huçaj - rai_     | xurdi tanam | xuʙ.

Ҳар_   як_  | ҳуҷай - раи_  | хурди танам | хуш - бахт. 
Ҳар_   як_  | ҳуҷай - раи_  | хурди танам | хуб.
🇹🇷  🇦🇫  🇮🇶  🇸🇾  🇮🇷
coming up soon
🇸🇦  🇰🇼  🇧🇭  🇶🇦   تحميل كتيب مجاني  گام هایی برای رسیدن به آرامش درونی      
coming up soon




























